
(南京林业大学材料科学与工程学院,南京林业大学竹材工程研究中心,南京 210037)

竹材展平; 加热软化; 无裂纹; 干燥定型; 竹展平板

Progress of bamboo flatten technology research
LI Yanjun, LOU Zhichao

(College of Materials Science and Engineering, Bamboo Engineering and Research Center, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China)

bamboo flattening; high temperature and high humidity softening treatment; crack-free; nick-free; flattened bamboo board

DOI: 10.13360/j.issn.2096-1359.202012021


随着中国经济的快速增长和人民生活水平的不断提高,家居和建筑装饰装修业对绿色环保材料提出了更高的使用要求。竹材因其清新自然、强度高、环保等特点,越来越受到业界关注。“竹材展平技术”是指将竹筒或弧形竹片经过软化、展平、干燥、定型等工序,制成平直状竹片的一种竹材的高效加工技术。即先将截断后的竹筒进行去青去黄和开槽,或将竹筒进行纵向剖分制成弧形竹片; 接着通过饱和蒸汽、微波等加热方式实现竹材软化,再将其一次加压展平或逐级连续(刨削)展平,制得竹展平板。该技术能实现竹材无裂纹展开,成品率达90%以上,与传统竹片集成材相比,竹材资源利用率从原来的35%提高到55%,降低胶黏剂用量30%,附加值提高25%以上,相关产品可用于竹砧板、竹地板、刨切竹单板、竹家具、竹制日用品、梁柱结构材等领域。该项技术对于提升我国竹材加工产业的科技含量,促进竹资源向资源节约和高附加值方向发展具有积极的推动作用。介绍了国内外竹材展平技术研究现状,着重解析竹材展平工序中的竹材软化和展平等工艺技术,为竹材加工企业提供技术服务。

With the rapid growth of China's economy and people's pursuit of high-level life, eco-friendly materials have been gradually used in home decoration, furniture, and construction industries. Bamboo has the characteristics of high strength, good toughness, and wear resistance, making it to have broad application prospects, such as engineering structural materials and home decoration materials. “Bamboo flattening technology” refers to a kind of high-efficiency utilization technology of bamboo materials, which uses techniques of softening, flattening, drying, shaping and other processes to make bamboo tube or arc-shaped bamboo slices into flat panels. After the bamboo tubes are cutted off to remove the outer and inner layer and slotting, the bamboo cutting machine is used for longitudinal cutting to make arc-shaped bamboo slices, and then high temperature and high humidity treatments are utilized to achieve bamboo softening, and then one-time hot-pressing or progressive continuous flattening technology is used, finally flattened bamboo plates of different sizes are prepared. For the bamboo tubes, penetrating grooves are requested to be created, which are supposed to be widened during the saturated steam heat treatment and are conducive for the tubes to enter the flattening machine. And then they are tapered, rectangular or "V"-shaped protrusions nails with uniform dispersions, or diamond-shaped line grooves with a width, depth and spacing of 1.5-2.0 mm, 2.0-4.0 mm and 5.0-8.0 mm are always created to release the generated internal stress during the flattening processes. Compared with the traditional bamboo laminated timber, this technology can increase the utilization rate of bamboo resource from the original 30% to 55%, reduce the amount of adhesive by 30%, and increase the added value by more than 25%. The related products can be used in the processing and manufacturing of bamboo-based materials, such as bamboo household, laminated bamboo flooring, sliced veneer, bamboo daily products, bamboo-based beams, columns, etc. It is expected that this technology plays a positive role in promoting the development of bamboo resources utilization in China towards resource saving and high added value, which improves the scientific and technological contents of the bamboo industry. Here, based on the published papers and patents, the achievement of researchers in bamboo flattening technology are introduced in details. The two key processes of bamboo flattening, softening and flattening, are discussed. The physicochemical mechanism in the treatment process is presented. On this basis, some opinions on the future development of bamboo flattening technology are put forward to speed up the bamboo industrialization.
